Airline Economics Legends

About the Aviation Legends Awards

Each year, the Aviation 100 Global Leaders awards include the Face of Aviation award, which is awarded to one individual that has made a significant contribution to the aviation industry during the past year, and the Aviation 100 Lifetime Achievement award that celebrates the life and work of one significant individual.

Due to an unmistakable changing of the guard occurring at the very top levels of aviation industry management, for 2024, Aviation News is preparing a LEGENDS awards series that celebrates the life and work of many aviation professionals that have retired, or announced their imminent retirement from the industry in 2023.

The Aviation 100 Aviation LEGENDS are chosen through nomination, overall career and editorial discretion.

To nominate your candidate for the Aviation 100 LEGENDS series, please complete the online nomination form here.

Any information provided should be suitable for publication unless specifically and clearly indicated.

Any questions please contact Victoria Tozer-Pennington:

The deadline for submissions is 5th December 2023.

The final list will be published in Issue 76 of Airline Economics magazine published in January at the opening of the Airline Economics Growth Frontiers Dublin conference week on 24th January 2024. Winners will celebrate with their colleagues and clients at the Aviation 100 awards gala dinner held at the RDS on the evening of 24th January. Secure your booking table sponsorship with Philip Tozer-Pennington or Ted Tomlin

Voting has now closed